Tuesday, January 26, 2010

9 Weeks, 3 days!

Baby is growing....

S/He is about an inch long now....
Baby's heart is finished dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form -- as do tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. Eyes are fully formed, but the eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. S/he has tiny earlobes, and the mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct.

Heartbeat is a steady 157 BPM, which I got to hear during the early ultrasound I had last week!  Our official U/S is at 20 weeks---we'll bring Vivian to that one.  

Vivian's reaction when we showed her the pictures of her growing baby sister or brother:
  She looks and says, "Why can't I touch the baby?  Why can't I watch it grow?"  

I'm feeling a bit different with this baby
....dizziness is still a factor---about 3-4 times a day (with Vivian it was 3-4 times total).  
....hunger....much more hungry this time around.   Seems like every 2 hours...
....skin is breaking out.  yuck.

Still no morning sickness, which is AWESOME!  I don't feel as tired this time around, which is GREAT!  All is good!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lil' Peanut---8 weeks 5 days

Viv LOVES being in the water!


The doctor was very concerned that we had an ectopic pregnancy on our hands (baby implanted in tube, rather than uterus).  So....I got some worst case scenarios and was whisked off to the ultrasound tech in Fridley.

GOOD NEWS:  Baby is fine and is safely bouncing around in utero.

NOT GREAT NEWS:  There is a cyst on my right ovary which is what is causing some of the pain.  The doctor is hopeful that it is hormonal and due to the pregnancy, in which case it will go away by itself.  BUT....that could take a long time....months, in fact.  If it is anything else, they really can't do anything about it during the pregnancy anyways.  So, I'm supposed to call back this afternoon to discuss some pain management, as I can barely stand up straight.

***When I talked with Reena, she indicated that a UTI that was found can also be the source of some of the pain (never had one of those!).  So, I have some mild antibiotics that I have to pick up today---hope that helps a little.***

GREAT NEWS:  I got fun little pictures of our little peanut!  I'll post them later!

Going In....

I've had severe cramping last night and today, so the doctor wants me to come in at 9:30 to make sure that everything is still A- OK.  I'll post in a bit!

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's FRIDAY!!!

After a hard week with Gigi's funeral, it is FRIDAY....and I'm SO looking forward to a relatively quiet weekend at home.  Ok, so we still have to work tomorrow....but still!

Go Vikings on Sunday!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 7---A little Blueberry!!!

Two differences that I've noticed so far.  I'm much more dizzy than with Vivian....and hungry.  That seems weird to me after only 7 weeks.  I hope it's not TWINS!  Yikes.  (I have crazy freakout dreams about twins.)

Here's some details about a growing baby at 7 weeks:

How Big is the Baby at Seven Weeks Pregnant?
During pregnancy week 7 your baby will grow tremendously, up to 13 mm in length! Your baby is much closer to the size of a large blueberry or small grape by 7 weeks pregnant than a pea.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
At 7 weeks facial features become more prominent in your newborn. Upon close investigation you may be able to discern a mouth and even a tongue (you actually can't see the tongue, but it is forming inside your baby!). During  week 7 your baby's eyes will also start to become more fully formed, and now have a retina and lens attached. The major muscle systems in the body also continue to develop during pregnancy week 7, and your baby begins to produce his own blood type. Your baby's movements will be uncoordinated at best at this point during pregnancy, but rest assured your little one is squirming about his new home.

If you were to look directly at your baby you would still be able to see slight webbing in the fingers and toes during pregnancy 7 weeks. Teeth are also starting to form on the inside of your baby's mouth, and thin veins start to peer out from beneath your baby's skin. Your baby's intestines and appendix should be formed by now. By this time your baby's liver is working diligently to start producing red blood cells. Your baby should be bouncing right along in his comfy and warm home!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 Weeks....Almost 7....

We won't go to the doctor again until Mid-February---but here's what's going on with baby!

This week's major developments:

The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil bean.

How am I feeling?

Pretty good, overall--I'm feeling a bit like I did the first time, although I'm not nearly as tired as I was the first time around. I'm only about halfway through the 1st trimester though, so that could set in soon, for all I know! I haven't felt nauseous at all (which is AWESOME!)...since that usually sets in by now, I hope that I'm once again blessed with NO SICKNESS!

I have had dizziness with more frequency than last time. Not terrible, but definitely stops me in my tracks for a minute.

Emotional? Yes. A rollercoaster. I'm not sure how much is pregnancy related or how much is related to what is going on with our grandmas and grandpa... But, I'm sure that a crazy surge of hormones has a lot to do with it!

How We Told the Locals

We didn't wait too long to share our news this time. Mostly, it was because we wanted to let Grandma Audrey know before she became too ill.

We waited to tell Vivian until the morning that we were headed to Bloomington to visit Audrey and Rick, Karen and Catie (visiting from California). She seemed pretty excited, although I'm not sure she quite understands yet.

I made Vivian a shirt to wear. On the front, it says, "Guess What? I have a secret..." and on the back, it says, "I'm going to be a BIG SISTER!" We told her she could take her hoodie off whenever she wanted to in order to share the news.

Because the hospice nurse was at Audrey's meeting with the siblings and her, we went to Jane and Jon's in Bloomington first. Cousin Daniel was there as well as Great Grandpa Sig. SO---Viv showed Daniel, Jon and Sig her shirt first!

Then, we headed to Audrey's where Viv shared the news with Kay and Jane, then Audrey, and then everyone else! It was really fun to share some GOOD news at a time when we are all struggling with news of the terminal cancer in Audrey that is spreading so fast.
On Tuesday (because they were out of town), we went over to the Weigands to share the news with Adam's sister and her family. Vivian wanted to wear her shirt again and quickly shared the news with her cousins. We had to tell Julie by phone because we had to leave before she got home, but Vivian still did the talking!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Blog, A New Chapter In Our Lives

We're expecting! Again!

I enjoyed journaling during the pregnancy, birth and first year of our daughter's life, so I've decided to resume journaling for Baby #2. (I really need to come up with a nickname besides Baby #2).

As with last time, some info is purely factual---and possibly more for me than anything, but I love looking back on the various stages of growth and development. This time around, it might be fun to throw in some "Vivian-isms" too!

So, sit back, enjoy the updates, comment when you wish.....