Friday, January 22, 2010


The doctor was very concerned that we had an ectopic pregnancy on our hands (baby implanted in tube, rather than uterus).  So....I got some worst case scenarios and was whisked off to the ultrasound tech in Fridley.

GOOD NEWS:  Baby is fine and is safely bouncing around in utero.

NOT GREAT NEWS:  There is a cyst on my right ovary which is what is causing some of the pain.  The doctor is hopeful that it is hormonal and due to the pregnancy, in which case it will go away by itself.  BUT....that could take a long time....months, in fact.  If it is anything else, they really can't do anything about it during the pregnancy anyways.  So, I'm supposed to call back this afternoon to discuss some pain management, as I can barely stand up straight.

***When I talked with Reena, she indicated that a UTI that was found can also be the source of some of the pain (never had one of those!).  So, I have some mild antibiotics that I have to pick up today---hope that helps a little.***

GREAT NEWS:  I got fun little pictures of our little peanut!  I'll post them later!


  1. So happy to hear it isn't super serious! Try to hang in there. Remember it's all worth it in the end. :)

  2. Whew! Glad to hear all is well. Keep us posted!
